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You're not my sunshine 
my fucking sunshine
You always leave me without a sign
Ever you kiss me with full of feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling

You're not my sunshine 
my fucking sunshine
You always leave me without a sign
Ever you kiss me with full of feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling
You're not my sunshine
 my fucking sunshine
You always leave me without a sign
Ever you kiss me with full of feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling
You're not my sunshine
my fucking sunshine
You're not my sunshine

You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Pleaes don't take my sunshine away

You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Pleaes don't take my sunshine away
Pleaes don't take my sunshine away

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 回复 发布者:逗拉子
2007-12-05 21:52

 回复 发布者:原野·大蟹
2007-12-04 20:55
我没有看完, 但是顶一下先

 回复 发布者:春光明媚(^o^)/~
2007-12-04 15:51
look 一 look 先

 回复 发布者:小熊维尼
2007-12-04 14:16

表情 超链接